Hi, I'm Michael and I thank you for entering my web page. I know, it's
quite weird, but hey, I was taught that by the folks
back in Milpitas High School. I so happen to have graduated from there
with the GREAT CLASS OF 1997!! GO TROJANS!!!
For the curious, my full name is Michael Kwok-Chown Lau. I am 21 years old and currently attending the University of California, San Diego studying in electrical engineering.
I was born on June 19, 1979 in the beautiful city by the bay, San Francisco. I lived there for only a year and moved to the very foggy city of Daly City just south of the big city. But the constant fog and drizzle made me and my sister very ill, so my parents needed to act quickly. We found a somewhat reasonable place a year later in a small city sandwiched between monster cities Fremont and San Jose. This city is Milpitas, meaning "little cornfield" in some language, think it was Spanish. Whatever. It's been 20 years since. Too long to live in that city huh? Must have been all those years of Milpitas education that got me.
I had my best years of my life at Milpitas High School. Me and my old gang Chinese Club friends were as wild as the wild, wild west! My best buddies were no other than Hao Zeng and Chih-wei Ho. I was very close with both of them, in and out of class. We still contact each other very often as we speak. My best influences back in the old barn (MHS) was Mrs. Wong, Mrs. Conradson, Mr. Gereb, and Mr. Franklin. Not only were they big influences, but also my dear friends.
Don't have many hobbies, but I love hockey. Go Sharks!! Don't play much, can't really roller skate well, but I like to go to hockey games, when I can. Sharks of course!! That's the San Jose Sharks. Go Sharks!!!
I also played Chinese instruments for my whole life. My parents loves Chinese music and plays many instruments of Chinese origin. My dad also started a Chinese music club in San Francisco in the early 1970s under a Chinese dancing association. My parents, and eventually me and sister were all in it. We had lots of fun and exciting times there. We resigned from the music club in 1998 after three decades of excellent service to the San Francisco Bay Area Chinese community.
After I graduated from MHS in 1997, I went to college here at UC San Diego. It's right by the beach in the upscale neighborhood of La Jolla. I mean very upscale! Lived in the dorms for two years. Got a single the second year. But for a quiet person like me, I hated the dorms. Music and racket to six in the morning is a killer! The food was horrible, and that was the best dorm restaurant on campus!
I am now a senior at UCSD. I'm also no longer guaranteed housing at the crummy dorms. Not like I want to live there anymore. So I have to move out to an apartment in the upscale La Jolla neighborhood. Found a big place at a moderate price in nearby University City five miles from campus. I have one roommate and one of my best buddies Mike Yang.
I find college quite boring. Maybe because I don't drink, nor I'm a party animal. But I must say, college changed me dramactically. As for my future, I'm currently studying to become an electrical engineer. I must say it's very tough and strugglish. But I hope the hard work pays off its dividends when I finally get my Bachelor's Degree, finally return home, and take advantage of San Jose's rich silicon industry.